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With the quarantine stopping us from our everyday routines, take this time to up your levels of Self-Care. It’s important to have a self-care routine to stay in the best mindset to focus on your goals and accomplish everything you want out of life. When you do more of the things that help your over all well-being, you are enriching your life and creating a flow of prosperity. Your mindset is everything. So, think of this routine as not a list of to-dos, but as a guide based off nurturing yourself. When coming up with things to make part of your list, don’t just think about the goal itself but how you’ll accomplish or implement the necessary changes and how it will affect you positively.
Step-by-Step Guide on my Everyday Self-Care Routine:
Step 1: Gratitude and Prayer Journal
It's so important for me to write in my Prayer Journal and Gratitude Journal, it's that one thing that starts my day on the right path no matter what I'm going through. After every journal entry I'm more focused and motivated to start my day and make it a productive one.
Step 2: Coffee
I'm a Carmel Macchiato with an extra pump of sweeter type of girl. And when I don't feel like standing in Starbuck's line then I make it at home in a cute coffee mug like this. A nice cup of coffee gives me that extra energy and boost to start my daily schedule. Sometimes, I switch it up, with tea instead.
Step 3: Doing My Hair and using Proper Hair Care
Hair is probably one of the first things you notice about people when meeting them for the first time. This is especially true for women. Beautiful flowing hair always leaves a good impression, which is why proper hair care and keeping my hair on point is very important to me. My hair care & extensions company, JN Beauty, is perfect for both your natural hair and extensions too. Good care of your hair plays an important part in how your hair looks and you need to know how to care for it daily. When my hair and extensions are healthy and flowing it gives me that extra confidence to conquer my day and look good while doing it. I will go deeper in my hair care routine on a upcoming post.
Step 4: Working Out
I designate at least 30-45 minutes everyday to do some type of cardio and I make sure to always have on my Sweet Sweat band, you can purchase it at Vitamin Shoppe online. I swear by this band, it will keep you snatched honey. Trust. Any amount of activity is better than none at all. I love my HIIT workouts and yoga. It’s my go-to for staying fit. When I do my daily workouts, I always think of a goal, for example, hitting my businesses’ weekly sales goals, and then with each rep I do I use it as motivation to finish. So when I kill my workout, I’m speaking into existence completing that goal and it’s success, then I work hard to make it happen. To reap the benefits of exercise, just get more active throughout your day. Consistency is key.
Step 5: Post Workout
After my workouts, my first stop is Kreation Organic Juicery on 3rd street for a shot of Aloe Vera (for healthy skin) and Wheatgrass (high in Vitamin A, C & E) or Simply Salads to get a quick organic salad. If I want to make my own, I'll pick up some vegetables at Spouts and make a salad at home. Eating healthy will make you feel good and strengthen your immune system which is essential now. If your not combining healthy eating habits with your workouts then you will never see the results you want.
Step 6: Do Something you Love
Get Creative! Add something different to your routine that connects to you and something you have been wanting to do. Lay out in your backyard, go to the beach, try new products from your favorite brands, read your favorite book, listen to your favorite song, give yourself a facial, meditate, do yoga, quarantine and chill with family etc. Work on the things you've been putting off or to busy to do. Whatever your passionate about do more of that and add it to your weekly routine. This allows yourself time to focus on something you love and let go of any built up stress to renew and refresh.