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What's a Healthy Diet?
Why can’t our diets be filled with champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries & still be healthy? I miss going to the NM Cafe after shopping trying to decide between dessert or a healthy dish. It's always tempting to order dessert but rather than that, why not order something delicious and healthy. And with the quarantine now in effect, it seems like the perfect time to eat whatever I want but I have to stop myself. Because it's more important now, than ever, to create good eating habits for our immune system. What are you feeding your body during quarantine? What habits can you develop now that can help you after quarantine is over? 1. A healthy diet. A healthy diet includes carbohydrates, vitamins, water, protein, fat, and minerals. It's essential to give our bodies the vitamins and antioxidants we need for good health.
When eating out and eating at home it's important to manage what you eat. The shrimp avocado dish is perfect for me because I love avocados. I love incorporating this healthy super fruit into my diet. Let’s explore everything you need in your diet to be snatched and healthy when outside opens back up.
Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans are a great source of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates give your body fuel in the form of glucose. You should have at least 3 servings of fruits a day and at least one serving of vegetables with each meal. I like to eat a bowl of strawberries and raspberries with my morning coffee. Then in the afternoon, have a snack of cut-up pineapples and blueberries with my favorite Bai tea. Find a system you like and stay consistent with it. You will feel better, look better, and have more energy when you do!
Vitamins help with chemical reactions in the body. In general, vitamins must come from the diet; the body doesn't make them. Key vitamins I take are vitamin C and B, Iron Gold by NutriGold which is good for energy, Zinc Gold by NutriGold which is good for your immune system, and Beet Root Powder with a Naked Smoothie which is a superfood and great for women health. Vitamin C and B vitamins don't build up in your body, so you need to keep getting them regularly in your diet.
Everyone knows water has no calories. It makes up 55%-65% of our body weight. To stay hydrated throughout your day, you can grab your favorite bottled water or get it from foods that naturally have water in them, like fruits and some vegetables. Smart Water has been my favorite brand since college. I bought it at the first Whole Foods’ I’ve ever been to in Brentwood, which was across the street from my apartment at the time. Smart Water has a clean fresh taste to me and I can drink it cold or room temperature. I also like to drink Essentia+ during and after my workouts. A trick I love to do is infuse my water. Infused water, is known as detox water, and can be any combination of fruits and herbs immersed in cold water. I love to add, strawberries and basil, or watermelon and mint leaves. I’ll have to do another blog on how to make one coming soon.
Protein, Fat, and Minerals
Protein is found in fish, meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs, nuts, and beans. Proteins help repair and maintain your body, including your muscle. You can get protein in all types of food. One of my personal favs is a Salmon dish with zucchini and asparagus or roasted potatoes. Another main ingredient we need to have in our diet is fat. Yes fat! It’s found in dairy products, nuts, and oils. There are many types of fats, saturated, polyunsaturated, trans fat, etc. Last is, minerals. Minerals are found in calcium, potassium, and iron which are the essential. Minerals, like vitamins, must come from the diet. Your body needs them, but it can't make them. So let’s be conscious of what we need for good health and be proactive in eating the right foods.
I hope this helps with understanding all the components in having healthy diet, which can not only make you feel better, but give you more energy throughout your day, and the body shape you want. Looking and feeling good starts with taking the time to take care of our bodies.